A list of exposure sites linked to New Zealand's latest outbreak continues to balloon
A list of exposure sites linked to New Zealand's latest outbreak continues to balloon
22 August 2021
So far, fifty-one Covid-19 community cases have popped up since the Auckland cluster was caught on Tuesday.
Contact tracers have pinpointed more than 170 locations of interest - visited more than 200 times.
The majority are in Auckland with more than a dozen locations also in Wellington and the Coromandel.
North Island towns including Bulls, Waiouru and Tokoroa now have locations on the list.
A staggering nearly seven-thousand Auckland secondary school students are deemed close contacts.
They're from De la Salle College, McAuley High School, Avondale College, Northcote College and Lynfield College.
It's also been revealed a student who later tested positive attended an Auckland University ball - with 500 attendees.
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