Beware of the Shadow Banks |
7 Aug 2010: “Irrational exuberance” became the defining term of the dot.com age in the late 1990s.
Now a new phrase has been coined, which I believe will become the defining term of the 2010s: “ The shadow banking system”.... more
Ridiculous Offers Shouldn't be Banned |
31 Jul 2010: Two recent press releases had a similar ring to them. Both warned about offers to buy investments at low prices. But there’s a key difference between the two situations.
... more
Getting into Gear not Always Wise |
17 Jul 2010: The four most hateful words are said to be, "I told you so." So I’ll put this another way: One of my key messages in seminars, books and columns over the years – that borrowing to invest is more dangerous than many people realise – is easier to "sell" these days than a couple of years ago.... more
Is your retirement sorted? |
26 Jun 2010: For some New Zealanders 65 is the new 45 – these Kiwis are still busy working and have plenty of things to do before they 'retire'.... more
Plans or No Plans? Readers Differ |
5 Jun 2010: If you’ve wondered who that bloke is hanging around stores in the weekend watching people buy 3D television sets, it could be Blair Vernon. ... more
Beware Fat Fingers and Black Boxes |
29 May 2010: Was a 'fat finger' to blame for Wall Street’s recent implosion? The US Securities & Exchange Commission has launched an investigation after the main measurement of the US market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, fell by 1000 points a few weeks ago. This was the biggest points drop since 1987.... more
Confession Time About Retirement Plans and Goals |
22 May 2010: I’m going to commit sacrilege here. But it’s not as if I haven’t thought long and hard about it. So okay, deep breath, here we go:
Contrary to what many will tell you, it’s quite possible to be financially together and not have a detailed written plan on how to fund your retirement - or even a retirement savings goal.... more
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