Find the best shops with NZCity
Shops: 1-10 of 23
1. Smith's Bookshop Christchurch
 Smith's Bookshop is a long established New Zealand bookseller stocking over 150,000 new and secondhand volumes - on all subjects, fiction and non fiction, reference etc - in two Christchurch central city shops.
2. Kiwishopper
 Kiwishopper, buy sell trade for free
7. Funho Toys
 From foundry furnace to Fun Ho! sandpit, slot cars, intriguing displays, over 3,000 Fun Ho! toys and haybarn style theatrette,Fun Ho! is a genuine Kiwi Icon
8. Fortuna Books
 Operating since 1999 e.v. as a general second-hand bookseller, online only since 2011. Good quality non-fiction books bought and sold. Other types of books also considered. Of particular interest are New Zealand history, occult, paganism, European culture and folk-lore, metaphysics, new age and non-fiction. Requests welcomed, we have a large range of science fiction and fantasy from the 1950s to the present.
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