NZCity Portfolio Manager |
10 Mar 2025 |
Secure your Portfolio!
We consider your portfolio to be an important feature of NZCity that you are likely to invest your time and effort setting up and changing.
In order to prevent you from permanently losing your portfolio we require that you enter your email address and a password in order to be able to continue.
To continue please click here to visit the 'Password' section of your Personalisation page.
Once you have entered your email and a password in this page, click any of the update buttons to return to the next step of setting up your portfolio.
Continue and add your email and password now
More information: We store your portfolio details attached to a 'cookie' that is sent to your computer.
Unfortunately there are various ways that this 'cookie' can be lost that are out of our control. If you would like
more information on this we have a good article here "Keep losing your settings?".

This web site is provided as a free service
of New Zealand City Ltd, Infoscan
and NZX.com. Data is for information only and is not a substitute
for professional investment advice. New Zealand City, Infoscan, NZX.com and their associates
disclaim all liability or responsibility for any loss or damage that may result
from the action or failure to act by any person in reliance on any information provided
herein. As a guide, share data is delayed by at least 20 minutes.
Other data is updated at the end of trade, usually before 6pm.
All content ©2025 NZCity Ltd, data © 2025 NZX.com and Infoscan.

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